Thursday, May 10, 2012


Of all that is happenig to the Earth as a result of human overreach, the most troubling is the loss of biodiversity.  The term refers to the amazing range of organisms, plant and animal,  that live in the air, the water, and the soil around us. Life has evolved to fill every biological niche imagineable to weave a complex living tapestry that in the best cirsumstances finds its own marvelously functional balance.

We are now seeing our planet's living fabric unravel. Of all the things we are losing as a result of our own egregious hubris, biodiversity, more than any other, is the one that cannot be recovered. When holes are blown in the amazing tapestry of life,  the structure is permanently changed.  The loss of diversity leads to more homogeneity and less resiliency in the face of natural and manmade disaster. 

Pre-Industrial indigenous cultures, in almost every instance, have a reverence for nature  as a core value. We must embrace that way of thinking. We must nurture a renewed appreciation for our planet's living biology, before it is too late.

Here is the distinguished biologist, E.O. Wilson talking about biodiversity.

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