Saturday, June 9, 2012


Biomimcry seems like a concept that should be easily assimilated.  In a nutshell, it is about finding answers to our human scale challenges by looking thoughtfully at nature's model.

Janine Benyus wrote a book some years ago titled, Biomimcry. She is responsible for popularizing the term. She is founder of The Biomimicry Institute

Jeannine Benyus

Here is a list I lifted from Janine's book, Biomimcry, that applies profoundly to the task of creating a sustainable future for the biospshere we all depend on.

Nature runs on sunlight
Nature uses only the energy it needs
Nature fits form to function
Nature recycles everything
Nature rewards cooperation
Nature banks on diversity
Nature demands local expertise
Nature curbs excesses within
Nature taps the power of limits

Embracing these ideas offers a path forward worthy of our species...

Here is a link to Janine's personal webpage

Here is a link to Janine Benyus talking about Biomimcry...

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