Friday, June 29, 2012

Resource Wars

Michael Klare is a historian based at Hampshire College in Massachusetts.  He wrote a book titled, Resource Wars.  In it, he makes the case that war and violent strife will continue to be a part of life on Earth as we struggle for survival in a world that features ever more people competing for the planet's rapidly diminishing supply of natural resources. We're talking oil, fresh water, food, minerals, fisheries, forests,  tillable land.

We aren't in Afghanistan to fight terrorism.  Not now. Our soldiers are there now to keep the Chinese and Russians out.  If anybody is going to exploit that nation's rich, mostly untapped mineral wealth, it's going to be us. Our military is there to make sure the US is in control.  In Iraq, it was about oil, plain and simple. This is how it works in a wholesale corporatocracy.

Is there a way out of this unholy paradigm?  Not as long as our corporations covet the resources other nations have. Not as long as those corporations are shaping American foreign and military policy.

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