Thursday, April 26, 2012

Educating Solutionaries

Just read a splendid interview on the Forbes magazine webpage. Zoe Weil is an educator, and the co-founder of the Institute for Humane Education, IHE.

The focus of  IHE is educating educators about how to teach caring and compassion.  Here is how Ms. Weil puts it...

 Humane education has four elements that are keys to its power and success, and these include: 1) providing accurate information about the pressing issues of our time so people have the knowledge they need to address global challenges; 2) fostering the 3 Cs of curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking so people have the skills they need to address challenges; 3) instilling the 3 Rs of reverence, respect, and responsibility, so people have the will to address challenges, and 4) providing positive choices and the tools for problem-solving, so people can solve challenges

The quote above was taken from an interview conducted by Forbes contributor, Michael Tobias. The link to the Forbes piece on Zoe Weil is...

The term 'solitionary'  goes with the concept of humane education and reflects the hope of what a humanely educated child will become.  It's a noble idea that is very much needed to prepare kids for the unpprecidented social, economic, and environmental challenges they will have to deal with as adults.  

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