Monday, April 23, 2012

Connect the Dots - Climate Change

Climate change aka global warming is real. The physics is not complicated.  It's a  global problem of  emmense scale, whose disruptive impact cannot be understated.   It is disheartening to see so little  being done to address the problem.  In the US, polls suggest that nearly half the people think the whole idea is a hoax. Really? The only ones that stand to gain from that kind of misconception are the people enjoying the massive, unprecidented profits being reaped by the the fossil fuel industry.  Their selfish indifference does a great disserivce to all of humanity.

The longer public policy remains mired in the past, the less chance we have of avoiding the catastrophic consequences of climate change.   This is very serious business. For the sake of future generations, we all need to get on the same page and work for meaningful corrective action.

Here is a link to a brief video that makes a very compelling case...

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