Hope on Earth, is a highly engaging dialogue between two remarkable human beings, Stanford Professor Paul Ehrlich, President of Stanford’s Center for Conservation Biology, and global ecologist/author/anthropologist/filmmaker Michael Tobias. Ehrlich is best known for The Population Bomb, a book co-written with his wife Anne more than four decades ago. I should mention that I was a young man when I read the Ehrlich’s book back when it first came out. Chilling as its message was, then and now, that book had a profound impact on my understanding of the world. Dr. Tobias’ work is also well known to me. He is the author of more than fifty books, including World War III – Population and the Biosphere at the End of the Millennium and, with his colleague, partner, and wife, Jane Gray Morrison, Sanctuary – Global Oasis of Innocence. Tobias has also had a distinguished career as a film maker – more than 150 productions - on subjects (mostly non-fiction, but some fiction) related to animal rights’, biodiversity, and humanity’s tenuous relationship with the environment. Tobias is also the long-time President of The Dancing Star Foundation, a global animal protection, biodiversity conservation, and environmental education non-profit.
Both men have spent much of their lives investigating and reporting on the
massively expanded pressure on our biosphere caused by human population growth. To put this in perspective, the number of
people on Earth when The Population Bomb
was first published in 1968 was 3.5 billion. In all of human history, it took
till then to get to 3.5 billion. In the 46 years since that time, the population
has more than doubled to 7.25 billion. This massive human expansion is not
sustainable. The Earth’s resources are finite. We humans are pushing our
freshwater, our farmland, our forests, our marine resources rapidly to exhaustion. Our dependence on fossil fuels
like oil and coal is pumping billions of tons of pollutants into the Earth’s
atmosphere, causing a planetary warming that puts the very livability of our tiny
dot in the galaxy at great risk. Human exploitation is pushing unprecedented
numbers of plant and animal species to the point of extinction. In fact, the consensus seems to be, for
humanity to live within the planet’s long term ability to provide sustenance for
most sentient beings, including Homo Sapiens, the human population should no more than about
one to two billion. The current
condition for humanity is one of extreme overreach. Can we turn it around? Can we change our ways sufficiently
to roll back human demand so it does not
exceed the planet’s ability to provide?
Ehrlich and Tobias are skeptical. Despite that, they remain hopeful.
They have both been aggressively sounding
a warning for decades. They both clearly detest the general state of public
indifference, and even hostility in some cases, despite the powerful warning signals we are getting
from nature; signals like the melting of our glaciers and the collapse of the
polar icecaps, the increasing incidents of extreme draught, wildfire, floods, and
massive and highly destructive weather events like Hurricane Sandy and Super Typhoon
In Hope on Earth,
Ehrlich warns, “The past is over. We’re here now, and we’d better damn well
make our ethical decisions.” He goes on
to say, “If we don’t solve the issues of population growth and consumption, all
the rest of these issues won’t stand a chance of being remedied.”
Ehrlich and Tobias agree that humanity must find a path to
achieving critical mass in awareness, and beyond that, a thoughtful, ethical
approach to the unprecedented global-scale challenges that have emerged. The
course we are on is a dead end.
I really enjoyed reading
Hope on Earth. In the end, it is a dialogue about ethics. I loved being a
fly on the wall, absorbing this great conversation between two exceptional minds,
who understand and care deeply about the ugly turn human history has taken.
Their prescription: Wake up and embrace a life-affirming cultural paradigm built
on a foundation of compassion, and commitment to planetary stewardship. Do it
now, before it is too late.
I give five stars to Hope
on Earth. Highest recommendation.