Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ecological Otters

Sea Otters are whimsical creatures,  fun to watch under any circumstance.  Turns out they are important greenhouse warriors. 

Sea Otters live in kelp beds along pacific coast shorelines.  At one time, they were hunted to near extinction for their fur.  They are common now in kelp beds along the California coast near Monterey.  

What makes them ecological warriors? It really is about the kelp beds. Being a plant, Kelp is a greenhouse gas absorber.  Urchins are spiny shelled creatures that patrol the bottom near shore, eating whatever they can find.  Urchins are bad news for kelp.

Sea Otters eat urchins.  Their presence helps keep kelp beds healthy and active greenhouse gas absorbers.


Even if they weren't warriors doing their part in nature's grand plan for ecological balance,  Sea Otters would still be fun to watch.   It's heartening to know that they are a protected species and people don't hunt them for their fur anymore.

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