Monday, March 26, 2012

Guns and Money

I don't own a gun. Never have. I saw up close what they could do during my time in the military.  I don't mind if some people want to have them in their homes,  but I'm against the mindless proliferation of assault weapons, oversized cartridge clips, and shamefully easy access.  It shouldn't be a huge problem for someone to own a gun, but it also shouldn't be less regulated than a driver's license. Felons and mentally unbalanced people should not be able to buy a gun. That's just common sense. If you want sane gun policy, look at how Europe handles the issue.

Here in the US, the political right foments fear by carping about the left being opposed to gun owners.  That's a gross exageration, but the gun lobby sells it very well.

Last week, seventeen year old Trayvon Martin was gunned down in Florida for no good reason by a neighborhood vigilante. The boy was unarmed. The shooter was not threatened. The shooter was the aggressor.  A lot of people are upset about it. That's a very good thing.

I like what Paul Krugman had to say in a recent  NYTimes OpEd. Here is the link...

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