Friday, March 23, 2012

Capitalism 3.0

Peter Barnes is a socially responsible entrepreneur. He has aso written a very important, very much underappreciated book. Titled Capitalism 3.0, the concept at it's core is elegantly simple. All natural commons - the atmosphere, oceans and fresh waters, all public lands, the earth's natural resources - must be reinforced in the law as the commons. Exploitation of these commons will be subject to strict regulation, and the public shall be the primary financial beneficiary of such exploitation. Those that serve the interests of the commons will be rewarded for their efforts. That's pretty much it. Not terribly complicated. An equitable idea that shouldn't be difficult for caring people to embrace.

Nurturing the commons is not socialism, and it's not communism. It's a very important principle that must be part of any reform of market capitalism that is sustainable, long term.

Here is the link to Peter Barnes's Capitalism 3.0 webpage...

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