Monday, January 21, 2013

United Nations Embraces Sustainable Energy

A sigificant committment was made by the United Nations in December, 2012 when member nations unanimously adopted a declaration that 2014-2024 would be the 'Decade for Sustainable Energy' for all the world's people.

This declaration fits well with the 'Third Industrial Revolution' concepts that have been embraced by the European Union, and most recently by the new leader of China.  Unfortunately, energy policy in the U.S. has been captured by big coal and oil interests, who are encouraging climate change denial and resisting all initiatives that support emerging clean energy technologies.

It does seem, with polls showing overwhelming public support for climate change action, that things may change for the better soon in the U.S.  President Obama has indicated that action on climate change will be a big part of his second term agenda. I hope so.

Here is a link to a piece about the United Nations declaration...

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