Tuesday, January 29, 2013


A group called Always Innovating  has just announced a new micro UAV device that they expect to retail for about $49. It's a tiny, video camera  equpped quadracopter  that responds to voice commands and will follow its minder around like a camera toting Twitty Bird. 

This device is an amazing reflection of the lightning pace of innovative change.  My first awareness of this kind of  micro-copter technology came less than a year ago, and I 'm generally more aware of innovations like this than a lot of folks.  For less than fifty bucks, you can have your own flying video camera that can stream video to your smartphone or tablet.   Imagine the kind of impact this technology could have. Search and rescue and routine environmental monitoring will surely be enhanced.  On the other hand, privacy is going to be further eroded.  Any zit faced teenager with one of these flying video cameras will be able to conduct every knd of unwanted, anonymous survielance at will.  Worse case, one of these carrying a small amount of explosive material would be a cheap and very lethal weapon.

Here is a link to a video about the MeCam...  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-2hgsdeYyo&feature=player_embedded

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