Monday, February 11, 2013

We The People Amendment

Today, in Washington, D.C., a bill to amend the Constitution is being introduced in Congress. It's focus is to eliminate corporate personhood and also to declare that 'money' is not speech.   In all the world, there is no legislative effort more important than this.  Every important issue we face, every challenge we must deal with is affected profoundly by the corrosive and corruptive influence of dirty money in the political process.

There is so much that is broken about our economy, our culture, our system of governance.  A large share of the dysfunction can be traced to ethically vacuous, corporate lobbyists, heavily armed with influence money.   

Wall Street controls and corrupts the nation's financial landscape with it's money. Big oil controls the energy agenda and blocks any meaningful action on climate change. The timber industry shapes the rules on forests. Big Pharma and the health insurance industry get their way with fat campaign contributions to their elected minions in the house and senate.  

Where public policy is involved, legalized bribery is what we have in America. He who has the money makes the rules. Until that is no longer true, nothing will really change. No matter your particular issue, genuine corrective action will not come until we get rid of the two morally bankrupt legal constructs that allow corporations and the rich to make the rules.

Corporations are not people, but the law treats them as such. Money is not speech, but the courts say it is.  As long as this is true, there is little hope for meaningful action on the critical issues we face as a society.

There are a number of efforts underway to deal with corporate personhood and money as speech. What is required is a constitutional amendment.  The group, Move to Amend, is focused like a laser on delivering just that - a constitutional amendment that will abolish corporate personhood and money as speech.  Today, February 11th is a big day. It's the launch of a first effort to push through an amendment. It won't be easy. In fact, it will be very challenging to pull off.  We all need to get on board with this and stay with it for the long haul. Eliminating the improper influence of corporations and the rich must become  a goal every American citizen embraces with enthusiasm and resolve.

Here is a link to the webpage for the 'We The People' Amendment.

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